Snap It! Is an affordable, non-invasive, and completely reversible dental treatment that can easily and painlessly replace missing teeth without any parts imposing on your gums or palate.
What is Snap It!
Literally millions of people are missing one or more back teeth.
Now, after eight years of extensive research and development, your dentist can replace missing teeth with Snap It! -a thin and strong treatment solution that provides the look of natural teeth.
Snap It! is the new solution for replacing missing back teeth. This patented, revolutionary removable treatment requires…
Snap It! Is for just about everyone!
With Snap It!, there are no uncomfortable partials and no bulky flipper appliances that cover the palate and gums and make eating a chore!
You can eat and drink while wearing your Snap It! It's easy to care for, and it can be a temporary or permanent solution for upper and lower teeth.
Even better, it's flexible yet incredibly strong and simply snaps into place using your existing teeth for an easy solution to restore your smile!
It's easy. It's painless. You can start today! - Pick the style and shade of your new teeth.
Call now to schedule an appointment. 443-512-8703